

The men of Camp Timberlake woke to the bugle at 7am to a beautiful overcast morning. After racing down to the best meal at camp, geometry breakfast, we gathered on the back lawn and participated in the routine morning yell then walked to chapel. Our very own Dan Singletary spoke on the question, “Who is Jesus?” and explained that Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. Finally after cabin clean up, activities started again fresh on the mountain.

It was a packed day all around with a lot of things happening! Matthew D. and Andres D. both scored numerous goals in soccer 4th period and Andres channeled his inner Lionel Messi as he scored the game-winning goal. Also up on Spencer’s green, Sean G. and Archie D. both earned their silver bars in fencing and many kids rappelled off of the tower in climbing class. Parker C. continues to work hard for his gold bar in climbing.

In canoeing, the valuable skill of deep water rescue was learned and Jake H. and Carson H. executed their “unswamping” maneuver very well. In kayaking, Hank B. and Ford L. both went on the Pigeon River today and played with some waves and rocked the rapids! In backpacking, campers were on the high ropes coarse today and they loved it! Will A. showed amazing accuracy in airsoft and shows real potential to be the next “American Sniper”. In riflery, Wade R. shot a .52 in a group to break the session record! In the other shooting sport, archery, JB G. earned his silver bar and his cousin Will G. is soon to earn it as well! Perhaps the most notable part of activities today is that the kiln finished and everyone in pottery class got to glaze their beautiful creations. Several campers continue to get close to their bronze bars in that class.

After a great cheese ravioli dinner, the campers headed to aquafest, a beloved evening activity here at Timberlake. Surely watery triumphs await the Seminoles and Iroquois at Lake Doris tonight! This has been your daily update on life at Camp Timberlake. Can’t wait to get up tomorrow and do it all over again!


In Christ,

Marshall Clark

Greybeard Counselor
