Today was our second full day of camp, and man, was it great! After reveille sounded this morning, everyone gathered at The Tuck for an amazing breakfast of french toast sticks, bacon, and eggs. Once breakfast ended, we all headed outside to do the Morning Yell. Then to Chapel, where everyone heard a true story given by Winston. Our trips then headed out for the day, which included: 

Fly Fishing: 

Alex B, Andrew K, Connor W, TJ E, & David F

On this trip, Connor W caught a gorgeous Brook Trout on the Nantahala. 


Mountain Biking: 

Scott K, Bryant C, Richard B, William B, Thomas N, & Barrett C

All great reports from the boys on this trip!


After chapel came cabin clean-up, then our first round of activities! We had a beautiful morning here at Timberlake. During our first round of activities, Daniel H showed great form in Mountain Biking class, and Tony B learned his wet exit today in Kayaking class. 


Once our morning classes were over, everyone headed back to The Tuck for lunch. Which consisted of sandwiches, french fries, and fruit. During lunch, we also had a visit from Mr. Hydration. We as a camp decided that he did not need a vacation because everyone here needs to stay hydrated! At lunch, we also learned who won cabin clean-up. Can I get a drum roll, please? GREYBEARD! (For the second day in a row). Now for the news, everyone has been waiting for, who won Great Escape last night? The Black Bears, but fear not Golden Eagles, you’ll have another chance!

After lunch, everyone headed back to their cabins for the best time, rest time. When rest time concluded, we all enjoyed a snack from the Trading Post. Little and Big Piney also got to enjoy a free swim during free time. Kayaking class was open today during free time, and Quinn W got close to getting his side-by-side rescue. 


Free time wrapped up, and afternoon activities started. Being in the mountain, we are no stranger to an afternoon rain shower, but that does not stop our camp fun. While on a walk, the PAWs puppies got a little wet but loved playing in the rain. The third-period team sports had a fun game of football in the rain too! Our daily activities came to an end, and we all headed to dinner, where we had Thai chicken, rice, and vegetables with cookies for dessert. After dinner, everyone headed outside for Tribal Elections. 

For the Black Bears we have: 

Chief-Lucas O

Elder- William B

Lookout- Will A

Lookout- Davis M


For the Golden Eagles we have: 

Chief- Merrick C

Elder- Will T

Lookout- Hunter H

Lookout- David T


After tribal elections ended, Junior Camp was off to play California Kickball (which I can hear as I type this) and Senior Camp was off to play Ultimate Basketball. Check back in tomorrow to find out who won! 


Happy Camping! 


Molly Callaway 


Proud Timberwoman & Red Wolf